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Category: The Making Of The Diaries

The Ireland Diary, day one to day 52

The Ireland Diary

Day one

Friday May 14


We kind of have a destination now but we can’t totally bank on the house being kept for us, or anything at all really. With that, Maja is being careful to sleep as much as possible. First, because we do have that drive ahead of us as soon as we get off the ferry, but second because we really have no idea what will happen if we don’t get that house. We have some vague plans, number one on the list at the moment, to drive back to Northern Ireland, find a hotel just inside the border and start a proper on the ground house search from there. Maja does pretty well with getting to sleep, but I don’t. Instead, I go off wandering around the ferry, and then settle down in the flickering darkness of the games arcade and write a whole bunch of lyrics, essentially detailing our story since we left London on Wednesday, up to where we are now, somewhere in the Irish Sea sailing to what, we have no idea.

6:30am and we’re off the ferry and driving into Northern Ireland. First we drive west across the country for a while rather than plunging direct south and the first border from the ferry. We just don’t feel like advertising that we’re attempting to move house into Ireland. As a result, we cross the border at Cavan, going over the tiny motorway bridge over the Woodford River. On our maps system we can see the border approaching. Five hundred metres, four hundred… and we count it down. Then, just like that, in a flash of waterway, we’re across and in Ireland.

It’s just after 10:30am and now we know we’re more or less on schedule to meet Adrian at the house as promised. In high anticipation I call the number. No answer. Oh. OK. Maybe it’s too early. I try again half an hour later. The same. And again when we’re half an hour away. Still no answer. Oh dear. This does not look good. It’s all stopped being fun again and we continue the drive with an increasing feeling of tension.

Just before mid-day we arrive at what we think is the house and park across the road next to a kids’ playpark and take it in. Could this really be the place? On the advert there were no external photos and I did look at a street view and see a detached house on a corner at a crossroads. Could that be the place on offer for the price asked? Didn’t seem right. Now we’re seeing it for real and yes, it’s the same place but I’m still not convinced. But maybe none of this will matter because the phone is still going unanswered. We keep trying for the next hour before reluctantly accepting that the promise wasn’t kept, the house has gone to someone else and this guy just isn’t going to answer to us. That’s it. The worst has happened. We left London with no house to go to, just throwing ourselves to the wind and hoping something would come up on the way. Something kinda did but yeah. That old one. Too good to be true. And here we are. Right in the let down zone.

We were a little mentally prepared for that and this process kicks in now as we begin serious discussions about what to do next. Now we really are thinking about buying that tent and just camping out somewhere while continuing the search. But maybe while looking for a place to do that, we could keep an eye open for any to-let signs. That’s literally what I did in Madrid when I was looking for an apartment one time. Just walked around the city and looking for signs saying se alquile (for rent). As for the tent, this is still lockdown Ireland and the stores are all closed. Or at least non essential places where one would expect to find a tent. We’ll probably end up falling back on the plan to go back to Northern Ireland, checking into a cheap hotel just inside the border and carrying on the search for a house from there, driving into Ireland for viewings until we get somewhere. We’ve arrived and this really is the nightmare scenario. So what do we do as we’re confronted with this face punching reality? After everything we’ve been through to get here. Do we breakdown and cry? Do we have a moment of total despair? Are we in a state of abject resignation? Nope. We realise we’re sitting next to a children’s park. So we decide to go have a play for a few minutes before beginning whatever the next phase of all this is going to be.

We run over and play on the roundabout. Well, it’s more of a bendy stick thing with a base that you spin directly around on. I don’t know what else to call it. We make it go really fast and are screaming in delight, heads thrown right back to the sky. Look at us. Not a care in the world. Just two grown up kids having fun in the park. 

Then the door of the house opens and someone walks out. Towards a car parked right next to the house. I suddenly turn serious and frantic. ‘Stop stop stop. Someone’s come out. but they’re getting in a car.’ No no no. Almost maniacally we jump off the roundabout. Whoever that is, we cannot let them get in that car and drive away. We’re running across the park and calling out. Hello hello. Stop. Over here. Mercifully, the man does stop and turn towards us. Great. At least he’s not going to disappear on us now. Oh this is all getting too much.

Breathlessly we run across the road. ‘Are you Adrian? Are you Adrian? Are you Adrian?’ Talk about making a calm, unruffled first impression. ‘Yes,’ he says calmly. Oh he has no idea. ‘And you must be Mark and Maja.’ Yes Yes. We’ve been calling for hours. ‘Oh,’ he says, almost absent mindedly. What number were you calling. I tell him. I know it cold by now. ‘Sorry about that,’ he says. ‘I left that phone somewhere and have been on a different number today.’ Oh wow oh wow oh wow. For that we almost just bounced ourselves off into the Irish countryside without a clue where to go next. ‘But you’re here now,’ he continues. ‘Do you want to look at the place?’ Oh, do we. Oh yes please. ‘Follow me.’

We walk eagerly into the house and immediately see that it’s not the dark and dingy place depicted in the photographs. Inside it’s really nice and modern looking and really quite spacious. And it smells of paint; Adrian, with a care free smile, tells us he’s been doing the final touches and was still in the process when we arrived. In the front door to a little hallway, then left and into a really big stone floored kitchen/ dining room. Back into the hallway and into the door across from the kitchen and you’re in a similar sized room, this being the front room with a black leather type sofa on one side and the two armchairs facing it, set against the back wall. These two rooms and the hallway make up the entire downstairs, meaning they both have windows front and back OK. Upstairs now, which means back into the kitchen which leads to the stairs. There we find a large double bedroom, directly above and the same size and shape as the kitchen, and then a smaller single bedroom with a skylight instead of a back window and a small bathroom – with a shower but no bath. And there’s a little more. First, there’s a small, very private back garden. Second, you reach this garden through a back door from the kitchen, and by passing a utility room out there containing the washing machine. Then round a tiny little outside passageway you come to another small but open space which contains a large fridge freezer, in addition to the inside fridge. So, even more stuff outside. Two more rooms essentially.

The place is truly perfect.

Yes, we’ll take it. Well, of course we will. What else are we going to do? Go bouncing back out into who knows where? Formalities get arranged, hands are shaken, and Adrian leaves us to it.

We can’t believe it. We live here now. We actually live here. We have totally landed. All the uncertainty and jumps into wide blue yonders, and everything leaving London and arriving in Ireland related. All done done done. Oh wow. Just wow. The relief, the elation. And the house. What a house this truly truly is. It’s perfect. We could not have possibly even come up with anything better. It’s really decent sized. Big even. It’s totally detached, so we can make any noise we want, day or night. 

It is with a huge amount of jubilation, celebration and still a whole lot of disbelief, that we start to unload the car and pile everything into the kitchen in the house in Ireland in which we now live. I have only two words. In. Credible.

It really is very special when, ridiculously early for us, we have a shower and then head off to bed. Oh. Oh, oh. And bed. And to have a shower as well. It’s almost too much. When, as late as 1pm today, we had nothing. And now here we are. We really still can’t take it in.

We’ve said it many many times, but surely this is the biggest.

What. A. Day.

Day two

Saturday May 15


We were saying that when we got to Ireland we would spend two days doing absolutely nothing. And here we are. Do not expect much to happen in these next few days.

When we wake up, we can’t quite believe where we are. We live here now. I go down to look at the kitchen from the stairs, as they have a left turn at the bottom and then lead into it. I stand there in wonder, just taking in the scene of this fantastic and large space. Later, we get on internet map stuff and check out the local area a bit more closely using the satellite images. We’re in the centre of an actual town and directly behind the main high street. We hadn’t noticed that before; of all the other houses we were looking at, nothing that we saw in our budget was within walking distance of more than a single local shop. We’ve found a place with an actual high street. Alright, not that big a high street, but a high street nonetheless. Having come from almost central London, it seems a mad thing to say, but we can’t believe that round the corner, in this town in which we now live, there are two supermarkets. Two. They don’t look like they’re that big but…

We count seven or maybe eight pubs; as they’re all still closed due to Covid, we’re not sure which ones will be opening again, but still. And all the little things you could possibly want for when things do open up again. Cafes, takeaways, coffee shops, butchers, a very big looking hardware store – a must for anyone in a new place. And so much more. We really can’t take this in. A quick check shows that the population of the town is around 3,500.

As for location, oh it couldn’t be better for anyone looking to travel and play around Ireland like we are. We are right in the centre of the country. And I mean the centre. We’re the only house on a four road crossroads and look at a map shows that this is the most central crossroads in the country, meaning that we are very possibly living in the actual most central house in the entire country. On the whole island of Ireland. A touch of research bears this out. The actual centre is in a place called Adamstown, just 15 minutes north of here. But ours is the most prominent crossroads in the general area, so yeah, we have a good bit of a claim that our brand new house is the most central house in Ireland.

But back to practicalities, Dublin is just an hour or so to the east, Galway on the west coast is also an hour away, and just about anywhere in the whole rest of the country can be reached by car in three hours or less. And another look around the map shows us that just 10 minutes or so away we have Tullamore which is a pretty decent sized town, and little over 20 minutes away, we have Athlone, an even bigger town. Population check again here. Tullamore is just over 14,000 while Athlone is around 22,000. Comparisons. The population of the Republic of Ireland is just under five million, while the population of London is around nine million, with just little Kentish Town holding around 14,000.

Our own mental checklist of what we wanted of an ideal house and location wasn’t as comprehensive as what we’re looking at here. It ticks more boxes than we’d even thought of.

Day three

Sunday May 16


We get on things today, cleaning the house a lot and really getting to organising, especially the room that will become the studio. This is the room on the ground floor that most people would consider to be the living room.

We also break down the past week. It went like this and it really doesn’t seem possible.

Monday: 6am, agree to buy a car from Cris

Tuesday: Insure car and book ferry for the next day.

Wednesday: Trying but failing to get house sorted, start packing by 12pm, leave at 3. Breaking down and missing the ferry.

Thursday: Meeting Paul and ferry that night

Friday: Arrive in Ireland, drive through the country, see the house and take it there and then.

So, from a standing start, with absolutely nothing in place, we organised and moved house – to another country, in five days.

Day four

Monday May 17


Back on it today musically as I’m downstairs in the studio practicing bass by going through the Players Path tracks on Scott’s Bass Lessons.

And today, Maja gets her surgery confirmed for June 3

This gives us a bit more time than we thought we would have, and it was this imminent surgery of course that put so much pressure on us having to leave London and get to Ireland to get a house sorted out before having to go to Sweden. We’ve got the absolutely biggest thing done and out of the way now, and now Maja has a date for the next thing. So can start to plan and look forwards.

Day five

Tuesday May 18


Now dates have been confirmed, Maja books the tickets for Sweden. We leave on the evening of Sunday May 30.

The timing of this is quite mad because way back when Maja was booking her ticket to come to London she had to give a return date because of the whole Brexit thing. She totally arbitrarily chose June 1. Well, given the timing of these flights, and the slight time difference, we’ll be arriving in Sweden from Ireland just after midnight as the calendar ticks into May 31. 

Day seven

Thursday May 20

A total crash today. Just exhausted. This has been happening quite a lot this week as we’ve woken with plans to organise this or that, had something to eat, and then just crashed. But today is particularly spectacular. Everyday so far we’ve been up early, sometimes by 6am or even earlier. Today Maja is up by 9 and in the studio playing, but Mark doesn’t even begin to emerge until 11:30.

Day nine

Saturday May 22


The studio is looking really cool now!! And we’re starting to get the house in really good shape regarding total cleaning and organising. It’s beginning to look like a place to really call home now.

With this, we’re starting to think more about music, especially Maja, who is starting to play guitar more and more, saying, I think me and the guitar are going to be friends.

With the studio in good shape, we spend the evening in it listening to my songs which Maja has compiled. There are quite a few in here that could form the basis of any musical plans we have when we start to get properly on that.

Back and listening to the tracks compiled by Maja.

The house is now more or less ready and a lot of the settling in work is done, so now thoughts can turn to Sweden, which is now just over a week away. With that, thoughts turn to which song, or songs we’re going to work on from the compiled tracks. Although we’re calling ourselves a musical duo, we still have nothing we can actually play. We don’t want to go to Sweden, tell people we’re in Ireland pursuing music, and have nothing that we can play.

Day 12

Tuesday May 25

Over the past few days we’ve got into trying to play a few of my old songs. We got the list down to five from the 50 or so we have. Top of that list is Can I Fly and we’ve started tinkering with it to get it to a key Maja can sing it in, and then maybe adding a few more bits and pieces. It’s not quite coming together as quickly as we thought it would. 

Day 13

Wednesday May 26

As I’ve been working through my SBL Player’s Path course, Maja has been working through her own online singing course that she signed up to. We both have a look at that today and really get into it together. Well, I intend to be doing some backing vocals, so I need to get in shape here as well. 

Today becomes a bit more significant when we confirm that we now have a place to stay in Sweden as Maja’s brother says he won’t be at his apartment for quite a while, so we can have it while we’re there. 

Day 15

Friday May 28

It’s been a breathless and momentous couple of weeks, and now we’re saying goodbye to our new home for a while as we head to Stockholm for Maja to have her surgery, go through the full recovery process, and then tie up all the loose ends from when she left for what she thought would be a few weeks in London.

Ireland is still in lockdown mode, bars are still closed, and traveling is still a bit tricky. But because Maja is going for surgery, I’m able to accompany her on this trip. We get to Dublin airport and are met with the most surreal sight. Not a single person is waiting to get through security when we arrive. And it’s barely more inhabited on the other side. This really is the strangest of travel experiences and it’s singular bizarreness is a quite fitting end to what has been a ridiculous up and down adventure ever since we first met at Heathrow all those hundreds of years back on February 19. Really only a little more than three months ago. It just doesn’t seem possible.

Stockholm, May 30 to 27 July 

What to write about what becomes a two month stay in Sweden? Not much really. Family stuff and Maja tying up some loose ends left over from when she traveled to London. And the minor wrist operation which was the reason we came in the first place.

Music really doesn’t happen as much as we thought it was going to and that does become a bit of a frustration. We try, but it never really feels right and somehow we just never quite manage to capture any momentum. There are probably simply too many other emotions and general weights in the air, so Maja gets on with her things and Mark helps out where he can while basically just trying to keep up with music practice and maybe start to develop a little as a guitar player. Maja joins in this from time to time and some musical advancement does occur but it’s really just a time of treading water a little and trying to get things in order.

Towards the end of July and after what has been a very hot summer with some lovely day trips and beach trips as we’ve made the most of our time here, it’s time to head home to Ireland. Because yes, it really has started to feel like that, Maja even lamenting that she already misses the rain. And together, we have visions of the place we’ve only barely lived in for two weeks. Oh how we want to get back to it and start to explore what we could become. For whatever mysterious reason, we just haven’t been able to do that here. We can only hope that once we’re in our own space with our own studio and our own time, we can start to find our own sound, our own songs and our own music. 

The Second Ireland Diary

Day one

Wednesday July 28 2021


The morning is spent packing as we finally prepare to leave Stockholm after what has somehow managed to become a two month visit.

We’re bringing with us three suitcases, a bass case containing my Fender P bass, and carry on luggage. It is a really heavy load. At the airport we discover we have overpacked the suitcases and have to get what we can into our carry-ons. We manage to get it all down to 23 kg, 23 kg and 28 kg. With the allowed limit per suitcase at 23, this means one extra fee of 450kr – around €45, which is great.


Brilliant, but in the panic pack we keep out the biggest shoes for me, a pair of Doc Martens. It’s only now as we begin our walk to the terminal that I discover that they really are too small for me. I struggle for a while but it is too much and I end up having to take them off and hustle to the gate in my socks. Well, at least we’re on a smooth airport floor and not outdoor gravel but it still isn’t much fun and just a little undignified. This is how I leave Sweden.


Arriving at Dublin it’s two buses to get to Heuston, the central train station. Between changes we have to struggle with the weight of all our luggage. Not a fun walk. Arriving at the station we have a nasty surprise. I checked train timetables last Sunday and saw there was a train leaving for Galway at 20:30, which would stop off at Clara. Great, we thought. What we didn’t see was that that train was only departing on Sundays. The rest of the week the last train leaves at 19:30. We’ve arrived at 19:50, missing it by just 20 minutes. What train has its latest departure on a Sunday? But a more important question is how in the world are we going to make it home now? Should we take a taxi? That costs 200 euro from here. No way. But a hotel will probably be the same price anyway, so maybe yes way. 

The customer service guy says there are no more trains even going our direction today so it really does look like taxi or hotel, so probably taxi. But then we find another station attendant who comes up with a town called Portarlington which is at least somewhat closer to home, and there is a train departing at 21:05, in 45 minutes. Great. That’s our new plan. Train there then a much cheaper taxi than expected to home. We have dinner at the burger place in the station, only managing that just before they close. Then it’s time to go catch that train to Portarlington. On the train I search like crazy for any taxi we can take. 

Just as I find a taxi company my internet connection dies. I’m crushed, and tired and exhausted and irate and all kinds of bad emotions, and it just seems like we won’t be able to get home tonight. Mark is equally crushed. After a little while we must pass through an internet wifi spot and the number suddenly becomes visible again. Mark writes it down quickly before it disappears again, and calls them up. And he is able to get us a taxi! The relief is immense! We’re on our way home now. The taxi driver will wait for us at the station, and we will be with him a little after 10pm. Arriving, we have to carry all our luggage across the bridge to the other platform to get to the exit gate. Which we discover is locked. It looks like we’ve made it this far only to get accidentally locked in a train station for the night. I feel panic coming on as we try to open the gate. Maybe a shout of despair escapes me because at the end of the platform a man suddenly appears and calls out that it’s possible to exit through where he is. We walk over there and see that there is a piece of the fence missing. Through this we’re able to walk out to the parking lot. There we find our taxi driver waiting, but with an ordinary sized car. Oh dear. Yet another challenge. How in the world will we fit everything in there?

So we start to tetris up the car, and eventually do manage to fit everything in with Mark squeezed in the back seat, half covered by the bass case. It’s really handy that he is so small. I sit down in the front seat, and we’re finally able to start the last part of our journey home. Home. 

The drive takes 40 minutes, and it’s hard to know what to speak about. We’re both exhausted beyond, and the driver has a little bit of a hard time with small talk as well. So mainly, we just enjoy the fact that we will finally reach home soon. 

Walking in, and dropping all our things in the kitchen we both feel this incredible sense of relief. We’re finally home. And it’s so nice here. Then, as we look through the place, we see we have everything we need. We really can’t believe how well stocked up it all is. It really feels as though the elves came and did a total number on the place, but of course the elves were us. Two months ago. Thankyou to us of two months ago. Courtesy of our elvish selves we even have plenty of cold beer in the fridge so we pour ourselves one pint of Guinness each. ‘Cheers Mark. Thank you for coming to Sweden with me, but I am so glad we’re back home now.’

We sit in the kitchen, drinking our pints silently, much like we did on that epic first day when we arrived from London. We’re both too tired to really say anything. It’s a moment of celebration, but equally a moment for us both to start to heal our wounds. Soul and body are both exhausted beyond, and there is no way for us to be alert right now. We finish the pint without saying many words beyond faint expressions of the immense relief to be back home, and then we go back to bed. 

I’m asleep before my head hits the pillow. 

Day three

Friday July 30


How can you wake up and still be so tired? I don’t get it. And Mark is completely gone too, and he is probably feeling it a little bit more because he had his first Covid vaccine yesterday. I feel tired too, but I somehow also feel absolutely energetic and want to do something. But I am too tired to really want to do anything. What a dilemma. Anyways, waking up I just feel like I need to enjoy our music room a little bit so I leave Mark in bed and go down to play some guitar. It’s good to get my hands on an instrument. I haven’t been able to do that in a while. I practice some chords, and then just some power chords. I’m not really mindful of playing any songs, since I literally have no repertoire, but I know a bunch of music theory and some chords and how to groove. So I am able to make some nice sounding rhythms out of it. Then it’s back to bed to rest some more. There really isn’t much more to today than that.

Day six

Monday August 2

Today is the first day we’ve both really felt awake since we got back. So for the first time since we moved here we decide to go out and have a proper look at this town we’re living in. The Covid thing has moved on a little since we’ve been away and places have started opening again. Pubs in Ireland opened two days before we arrived. But we forget that it’s a bank holiday so all the shops are still closed. We still manage to have a decent look around. It doesn’t take that long. It really is a small town. We count nine pubs but only four look like they’ve opened. Some look like they might not reopen at all. Maybe they didn’t make it through the lockdown period, or maybe they were closed before even then. There’s no way of telling. In any case, with Mark only just having started his vaccine cycle, it will be a while before we can go into any of them and properly start socialising and meeting people. 

We can still see that we really have landed in a good looking town. It has everything you could ask for given how we were looking for a countryside place for a cheaper house so we could make noise and do our thing.

Day seven

Tuesday August 3

With the town now starting to open up even more, we’re delighted to discover the local library, which is right across the road from us. Oh, the little pleasures. Things like this really do make the difference. Now we both have library cards. It feels a little more like arriving.

Day nine

Thursday August 5 2021


I wake up at 8 AM, seeing a message from a former colleague. That’s very unusual for me, but I am happy that he got in touch with me. It seems like something’s happened at the company I used to work at, and we take that excuse to have a catchup on the phone. I call him up immediately, and we chat about this, that and the other for about two hours. It’s really cool to hear what’s happened at work since I left, and to hear what he has been up to. But it’s also sad, since these kind of catch ups are usually prompted by some kind of problems happening. I am also able to tell him what I’ve been up to, which is refreshing. It’s always nice to have a friendly ear that listens on the other side, it really means a lot.

So I’m up and alert at 10am and go down to the studio where I find Mark equally alert, doing his morning stretches. ‘Hey, Mark. I feel like doing something… ’

‘Yeah, me too. What do you want to do?’

‘I’d really like us to get to music now. To actually do some of the things that have been bugging us for ages now.’

Mark lights up.


It really has been weighing on us so much that for one reason or another we haven’t been really able to do any music. It’s like you know, when you fall out of practise; for every day that you don’t touch your instrument it just gets harder to pick it up and before you know it, weeks then months have gone by and you’ve almost forgotten how to even play the thing.


Yes. This is kind of where we are. At our stage right now, it feels almost impossible to know where to really start. In the studio we start to look for the lyrics of the songs Mark wrote a long time ago. We have a couple of printouts, and we’ve been talking about working on a song called Wide Blue Yonder.

I start up by doing some vocal warmups, singing along to a video on my computer, and I hear Mark sing along next to me while he does some runs of his guitar. It’s quite hard to get back to singing, I haven’t been doing any singing whatsoever in a while now, so I feel like I am losing it. It doesn’t feel comfortable hitting low or high pitches and my voice almost feels hoarse. It really isn’t a good sign when you’re supposed to practise the songs to make them performance ready. And we’ve maybe not been approaching things in the best way. For example, when we were in Ireland last, we focused way too long on trying to play the song Can I Fly which I never was able to sing comfortably no matter how much we altered it. I mean, I am able to sing it, but it doesn’t feel comfortable and it really demands too much from my vocals leaving me feeling tired and hoarse afterwards. So what we’ve realised is that having overworked and rewritten and rewritten that song, we haven’t gotten really anywhere, and a lot of frustration has been built up over not nailing that one song.

So today we decide to change our approach. We’re going to start on a new song, see how it feels and not spend too much time on it. Give the song a go, and then we can continue working on it later if we like it. In between we’ll also try a few others, so we can find something that works for us and also feel like we’re working through different parts of our first potential repertoire. It’s a strategy that we hope will help us reach a set much quicker, and also save us from frustration when things prove to be hard. I’m not a professional level singer just yet. I am still learning the ropes so we have to adapt to that. We’re not going to be an act at all if I’m not able to sing our songs.

So Wide Blue Yonder it is to get things started. It’s a song that Mark has had recorded professionally and I’ve it loads of times, so I am fairly comfortable with how the feel of the song should be. Just as we’ve decided all this, the rain starts pouring down. It’s absolutely torrental. We suddenly abandon our as yet begun session and run up to our bedroom and sit down on the little cozy window sitting area we’ve made, looking out on our crossroads, watching the rain clash with the ground. It hits so hard,it splashes up several inches. Water starts to collect in the lower parts on the road, and it’s soothing to watch. Mark says to me, wait right here, and runs down. He comes straight back up bringing the lyrics and the guitar. And he sits down on the bed, holding the guitar ready to play and looks at me slyly. Let’s just go for it.

It’s hard. There’s no way around it and I can’t express it in any other way. It’s really hard work. I try to sing, and Mark stops me. ‘No that pitch is wrong, it should be like this. ‘ Or like this: ‘No, you need to take a breath here, and shorten the tone, let the words get more space.’ Things of that character. All. The. Time. 

It’s quite frustrating since as soon as I start I get shut down immediately, and it is really playing with my confidence in a bad way. But the great part with this is that I’m never let down. I’m never left alone to just guess how it should be. He has a vision, and he helps and guides me every step of the way to reach it. It’s really hard, but it is the right way to do it. I’m frustrated about it, but at the same time grateful. This is the way it has to be done. I just have to do it, and we are doing it.

The session goes by with a combined feeling of frustration and relief over finally getting somewhere decent. It’s not like we reach a perfect state of anything, and Mark’s constant critique is hard to handle. But what that really means, is that when he says that anything is OK, it’s performance ready. It’s harsh, but we’re able to feel that we’re getting somewhere. And it’s great to know that my voice is good. And at times, I’m even doing good parts of the song. It’s really different to work with an experienced songwriter. 

I’m really glad we’re taking the time to really work on this. We have longed for this so much but have never been able to really get to it. The ‘not getting to it’ has eaten on both of our confidences. After finishing our session we realise that we’ve been at it for nearly three hours. That’s incredible. We kind of drop down on the bed afterwards and look at the clouds racing over the sky through our skylight. It’s amazing what we did just now. We almost have Wide Blue Yonder, and we sang through Can I Fly again as well. It’s amazing to have finally started again. Or as we agree upon, finally started for the first time. We’ve been wanting to get to it for so long, but not really been able to. We’ve only really dabbled, and never truly got anywhere. So today feels like the real beginning of our project. It’s devastating that such a long time has gone by, but that can’t be helped. Now is everything we have, and we finally have momentum. 

We go back down to the studio after resting a bit and I start to look for the lyrics of the songs Mark wrote a long time ago. I have them on my computer, and we listen a bit to the rough home demos he has of them as I just print out every song that feels relevant for now. Which is a list of songs which Mark practised the guitar on while I was fixing with moving and divorce errands in Sweden. We need to have a list with things we can just attack so we don’t lose momentum. We can’t lose it again. I print out 14 songs, which I bluetack to the wall so they’re visible and ready to hand. It’s great to have what you’re working on visible. It isn’t really enough to have it on the computer.

This time, we have prepared the PA with a microphone for me. It’s good to get used to it, and using the PA means I don’t have to sing so loudly, which will save my voice so we can work more. 

Off we start, and I look at the lyrics in front of me. ‘I wanna give When I’m With You a shot,’ I say

‘Sure.’ Mark grabs the guitar and off we go. It’s just impossible. No matter what key we choose, when the verse sounds good, the chorus is off, and when we get the chorus to work, we discover we’re in the wrong key to be able to sing the verse. We soon stop and go for the next song. Run From Our Hearts, and it’s promising. It’s a hard song, a lot of timings that need perfection and it’s vocally demanding. Mark has to really think about how he wants to show it to me, how we should alter it. We work on that song in different keys, and I feel that using the PA makes it so much easier to sing prettier vocals, which this song demands. It’s really fun to work on this song. Frustrating when I don’t get it, but with the proper guidance Mark gives me, it really feels OK. Another two hours or so and our focus starts to drop. We’ve been able to get the first verse and the chorus to a good place. Wonderful progress and a great start off our project. 

We go to bed tired and happy.

Day 10 

Friday August 6


The fence in our back garden was taken down while we were away. Which means the whole back area is now open to us. Which means we now have a river at the bottom of the garden. And we also have a huge garden in an old mill site containing the ruins of two large mill buildings. It’s mad to just be able to go out and walk around and contemplate hanging out here in the mornings, or whenever. A spectacular place to go, sit and have a cup of tea.

Maja gets her second Covid vaccination booked for Monday. I have to wait a little longer. Until we get this properly sorted, we won’t be able to play live at all, although to be fair, we’re still quite a long way off being able to do that anyway.

But we are on it, starting today’s session by working on We Run From Our Hearts, a song I was asked to write for an artist in Brazil way back in 2008 just as I was getting ready to move from Cork to Madrid. This song was begun in one city and finished in the other. Nothing came from it but it was still cool to be asked and I got what I thought was a really good song out of it.

As we get to it today, we totally rewrite the breakout section, meaning it’s at least a semi current song for us now as it has new stuff in it we’ve just created. Can I Fly did that too and I’m starting to think that as we continue to get to my back catalogue, other songs there could get the same treatment, hopefully improving them and also bringing them into whatever sound it is we end up making. Right now we’re very much groping but we do have a whole body of material from which to grope with which is a really great start to have. If nothing else, we don’t have to sit around struggling to write songs, forcing them out or waiting for inspiration to strike. No, we have a whole list to just dip in, see what we pull out, then see what we do with it. As it is now with We Run From Our Hearts. This is the first time we manage to put together a full version of a song that we’re at least kinda happy with. It’s still very rough but that’s OK.

We do the same later with Breakthrough, a song I actually managed to get on Irish national radio all the way back when this was a newie. That would have been around 2001/2002. Damn. Twenty years ago. So it’s a very very old song. But apart from friends of the time, no-one really knows it which makes it a new song. We manage a full run through of this one today as well. Between that, We Run From Our Hearts, and general song exploration, we’ve been in and around the studio all day.

Also, since we’ve got back, as well as the two kinda completed songs just mentioned, we’ve also put real work into Wide Blue Yonder, When I’m With You and Can I Fly, which of course we worked on before Sweden, and a little while we were there. We might just be starting to inch off the ground here. OK. Maybe not. But hopefully I can say we are at least now taxi-ing with intent.

Day 12

Sunday August 8

We don’t do much today, and yesterday’s efforts just seemed to lead to a lot of dead-ends through frustratingly unproductive sessions. The same is happening today. We’re pushing the cart but we’re just not getting anywhere. We’ve been pushing hard this past week and we have to admit it’s caught up with us a bit. 

So we decide to develop things physically instead. We go out and buy a big screen which will be better for studio and production work rather than trying to stare at a small laptop. When we get back, we go to work setting up the studio, with this new screen as something of a centrepiece. When we’re done, it looks like we have a respectable looking studio. Brilliant. But that’s it for us today. No attempt at any further practice.

Day 13

Monday August 9

Maja gets her second vaccine, and we’re straight back home. Our small green shoots of momentum may take a hit here as the vaccine gets a hold and knocks her out for a few days, but before that happens, we’re right back on it again. A one hour session on Breakthrough really is a bit of a breakthrough as it produces our best work and sound yet. The song feels almost complete after that as we tinker with long established parts and it starts get get moulded into something that might just sound like us. As yet, we still have no idea what that is.

Like We Run From Our Hearts, Breakthrough is another song that straddles countries. I started writing it while living in Orpington, a town just inside the very outer edge of London. So outer, in fact, that it wasn’t even a part of London at the time. Soon after beginning this song I’d made the move to Cork where I’d been invited to become a feature editor on the Evening Echo after being recommended by a London headhunter consulting for them. So Breakthough began in Orpington and was completed in Cork, going through a few versions and rewrites before it became the first song recorded by what would become my own Cork band, Fly On The Wall, which began with just myself and my friend Aibhlin, who I met at Fred Zepellins’ open mic night. A night I actually ended up running after I’d been in Cork a year or so.

Me and Aibhlin recorded that song, along with Can I Fly. RTE had a national radio office in Cork and the DJs were quite accessible and relatively easy to get hold of, plus I was in the media myself which made it even easier. I got these songs to John Creedon who had the mid afternoon show on RTE Radio 1, and he gave Breakthrough it’s first ever radio play, putting it on immediately after the midday news bulletin. John Creedon predicted big things for us as the song played out, and then soon after, 96FM, the city’s leading music station, added us to their playlist. Then we got a record deal. With a subsidiary of a major. But nothing happened. We just didn’t push our tiny opening enough. We tried to get a band together around ourselves but just couldn’t really get any of the lineups to work. And that version of Fly On The Wall petered out. But here we are again with Breakthrough being the first song of our potential repertoire. The first song we might actually be able to perform for people.

Later we go out for a walk and end up on a kind of date, sitting on a bench overlooking Clara’s green, with chips, curry and beer. Here we work on some of the vocal aspects of Breakthrough as we continue to polish what we have.

When we get back home we go straight into the studio. I pick up the guitar, smash through a few chords, just messing really, then some lyrics and something of a melody start to fall out of me. When I take a toilet break, I ask Maja to see if she could pick up where I’ve left off with lyrics. She does, and when I return we realise we’ve really got a hold of something here and we just keep hammering it out. All the time we record what we’re doing so that ideas can be found again but we really just keep going. Exactly an hour after I first picked up the guitar in here and started blasting those chords, All Kinds Of Wonderful is finished. We didn’t even sit down with a concept or a single lyrical idea. Now we’re sitting with a whole new song in our hands. The first full song we’ve written together and I feel tremendous relief at that, just the fact that something complete and new has finally been created. I didn’t write it on my own, but this is my first song in over seven years, the last one written sometime in the spring of 2014 when I essentially gave up on trying to be a songwriter and decided to become a professional bass player instead. As with anything new from the creative process, this might prove to be no good at all, but just to have a new song feels massive. I am giddy with joy about it.

Today really has been a breakthrough.

Day 14 

Tuesday August 10

After last night’s burst of activity, the vaccine catches up with Maja. She spends all day in bed and I spend all day taking care of her. But we have a new song. We have our first very own brand new song. I still can’t believe it. We’re also starting to think it might not be as finished as we might have thought, but that’s absolutely fine.

Day 16

Thursday August 12

We return to working on All Kinds Of Wonderful, trying to sort out the bridge. This never felt quite nailed. Late night, we struggle with one of the verses, trying so many different variations of one line that just don’t work. Then Maja comes up with an idea while Mark is the shower and that’s it. 

Day 17
Friday August 13


I’m up early. Not long after 7am. I’m straight to it in the studio, working on All Kinds Of Wonderful for two hours, during which I fix the bridge and add an ending. Then Maja comes down. I play her where I am, and we then decide to take a break from this and go out and discover the country a little. This leads us to a drive out to Portlick Millennium Forest, which Maja has discovered online this morning.

What most people do when arriving at a beauty spot is stop the car, get out and start exploring. We don’t do that. When we stop, I reach behind me and pull out the book containing the lyrics to All Kinds Of Wonderful. There’s one little piece I still don’t feel right with and we go over it now, basically songwriting while sitting in the front seats of a stationary car, haggling over a single word here and there. We do this for about an hour until we feel we really have it, changing a few more bits while we’re at it. It might have taken a single hour to feel like we had a song back at the beginning, but it’s taken days and hours and hours to really feel like it could be considered something even nearing complete. 

We’re now ready to go out into the forest and we discover it to be a truly magical place, complete with a fairy walk designed, it appears, by local school children, with signposts and little fairy houses and ornamental displays hanging from trees. Just a totally new experience. Then we come to a clearing which contains the ruins of a huge house. Nothing left but the first metre or so of perimeter wall and some vague outline of where rooms might have been. In the same clearing is a rope swing and of course we go and make the most of that. This whole little secret area could be a great video location. We store it in the mental bank. This is also a walk that we could return to again and again.

Back home and we hit the studio again for a five hour session. This takes in Breakthrough, When I’m With You which comes together very quickly after our painful earlier experiences with it, and of course All Kinds Of Wonderful. Then, over dinner we continue listening to other songs from my back catalogue to see what more can be reconnected with or brought out for us to play with and incorporate. Once again we marvel at how I’d almost let the entirety of this songwriting trove disappear as it sat under a bed in London on a broken computer until Maja came along.

Then, on the computer we’re listening to it all from now, I go on a bit of an impromptu explore and discover a hidden file containing a whole bunch of lyrics and seven more completed songs. Seeing these now I’m like, ‘Oh yes, of course.’ But they’d evaded my memory totally until now.

Day 18

Saturday August 14

We get All Kinds Of Wonderful somewhat finished. We thought it was a full, new song on Monday, but it really has taken the rest of the week to tinker, craft and bash it and get it into real match fit fighting shape. 

Day 19

Sunday August 15


While out and about on my own shopping for a few bits, I come across a bar in town called The Trap which has a poster advertising live music for last night. No idea what kind of music it was, but I tell Maja about it the second I’m back. She says she never imagined we’d have ended up in a place with live music just around the corner. 

Then we get talking about experiences of playing in Ireland and the general positive reaction here to original music. Here, I tell her of a great day I had with my songwriting friends in Cork when we decided to go on a pub crawl, but would play our own original songs in each place, each person playing some kind of instrument to accompany the lead songwriter with each person taking it in turns to be the lead. During the whole day, only one bar told us no. This was when we walked into a large place, which was totally empty except for the one barman who was clearly very hungover. He took one look at us with our instruments and just called out, ‘No.’ Fine. The place was dead anyway. 

Once we’re on it, we log another five hours of studio time including more writing. Nothing that truly sticks, but we’re really starting to feel a momentum building now.

Day 20

Monday August 16

Maybe with yesterday’s session swirling round in my head, I have no idea, but I wake at 6am with a start and a new song already forming. I have to get up. Now. 

I go down to the studio and this thing just falls out of me. Melody, rhythm and lyrics all spilling out onto the page so quickly. Too quickly. I take a pause from writing after I’ve got about a page and a half of A4 paper down. Going back to the beginning, I realise with dismay that I can’t remember anything of the rhythms I was writing so confidently into. OK. Some of the rhythms. But some of the lines I just can’t get to fit into the one line they really should fit into. But I still feel what I had and I stick at it, writing with no musical accompaniment. By the time I sit back to survey what I’ve done. It’s called Baked Honey. What’s baked honey? I have no idea but I’ve just written a song about it. Give me baked honey/I’m so sunny I could melt a radiator. It then goes on to talk about how the terminator tickling protagonist invented science and stole the S from maths.

When I sing it to Maja – without guitar because it has no guitar part yet, she has no idea what to make of it. But I think as the day goes on it grows on her. I think. Finally, she says, it’s a children’s song. It just has to be. It would be perfect on a kids’ TV channel.

Late tonight we’re sitting at our kitchen table. Which has become our hang out place of choice in the house when we’re not in the studio, although the floor window in the bedroom, complete with ground throw and cushions is also very cosy.

Maja’s sketching parts of my face absentmindedly as our thoughts meander and another bottle of wine gets opened. Then she looks up, as though taken by a sudden idea. Dreamily, lazily, she stares at me and then says, ‘You know, I really do like you better when you’re naked.’ Oh my, oh my, oh my. I have to write that down. Suddenly other phrases start coming. I pick up the guitar and a whole chorusey type thing emerges as we bounce ideas backwards and forwards. We feel we really have something here and carry on at it. After half an hour or so of frenetic activity we have a chorus and a verse, and of course an idea of what the whole thing is about. That will do for now. I really do take this as a session. It’s very rare a whole song comes out in one go, although it does feel like that happened with Baked Honey earlier. But as we’ve seen, even with the one hour complete song of All Kinds Of Wonderful, it still took days and hours and hours of actual work to make something we could consider finished. So yeah, I’ll take what we’ve done just now. This really is something to come back to.

Day 23

Thursday August 19

Every band I’ve ever been in has had one dilemma. What to call itself. It really can be a horrible little period as people come up with all kinds of inappropriate or just boring names. Here, I often mention bands like Guns’n’Roses. Or Suede. Or Oasis. I know where it came from but I think Guns’n’Roses is just the worst name for a band ever, and the others aren’t much better. It can be like naming a pet. Does it really matter? Just make it simple and memorable. Biscuits. That’ll do. Or AC/DC, after one of the guys saw a label on a vacuum cleaner apparently. LIke every other project I’ve ever had, we’ve been struggling to come up with a name for ourselves. Well, Maja has an absolute flash today and suddenly calls it out to me like it’s the mosts obvious thing in the world. ‘Mark, I’ve got it,’ she says, full of the confidence of knowing. Go on. The Diaries. Now, this is the thing for me. A band name has to be something the whole band goes, yes, yes, that’s it. Otherwise it doesn’t work. Just my opinion. Well this, it just hits me like a rocket. Like, how could we not have thought of it before? It’s just perfect. It’s what I started way back in July 2014. It’s what Maja started in May 2020. And it’s what we combined to start together in February 2021. And our life, pretty much, is what we think will inspire much of our songwriting. 

So, just like that, ladies and gentlemen, I introduce you, and us, to…The Diaries.

That finally decided, Maja gets onto domain names and finds is available. And here we are today.

Day 25

Saturday August 21

Maja gets busy creating our new website. While she’s doing that in the studio downstairs, I’m upstairs working on I Like You Better When You’re Naked. While I’m doing the dishes, I have a flash of inspiration for one of the verses, and with that the song is done. When we’re finished with our respective tasks, we get together in the studio and just sing through a whole bunch of songs and have a general mess about with them. This is exactly where we’ve wanted to be for so long. To have something of a repertoire we can just have fun with. It’s been a hard place to get to, but here we are.

And now, in our studio, we have all our prospective songs up on the wall which is full of lyric sheets of songs existing and to be worked on. You could cal it our Wonderwall. 

This becomes even more fun when we watch our first full movie in here – Yesterday. The one about the guy who discovers he lives in a world where he’s the only one who knows about The Beatles and sets about learning all their songs to claim as his own. There’s a scene where he contemplates a wall full of lyrics. As he does so, we look around our own little place. Yes, it’s exactly like that. Except, these lyrics and these songs belong completely to us.

Day 29

Wednesday August 25

Rehearsal hits a new level today as we finally run through a few songs in performances that we would be happy to put on a stage. Breakthrough is one of them, but the first is We Run From Our Hearts. It’s so amazing to hear the way Maja sings it. So delicate and so absolutely inside the song. Now we just need another eight or nine like this and we’re ready to go. This really is a hard, hard, process, but we are getting there. Today really feels like a milestone on the journey.

Day 30

Thursday 26 August


It’s been really hard to get to a place where I can finally perform any song in a comfortable manner. And I just feel amazing regarding my performance yesterday. I did great finally nailing that piece. When I wake up, the first thing I do is to hit the studio with Mark. I go downstairs and am ready to go again. Mark’s been up writing or doing something like that since around 6am I think, so I make two cups of tea for us. Tea in one hand, Mark in the other, I drag him out to the garden singing my vocal warmups I try to do everyday. We go to the river by the mill, the water is flowing very nicely and we sing together. I am getting stronger. I can feel it. My coordination is up and it feels easier to hit the notes, and I sing more powerfully. Mark isn’t doing a half assed job either. He is getting better at hitting pitches he used to be uncomfortable in and is generally singing much stronger than he was a few months ago, so that’s all good. It’s a bit surreal, you know, standing there, beneath the ruins of the mill, looking at the river flowing at such a fast speed. It makes you understand why they chose to build the mill here over 150 years ago. We get back inside and start working with the songs. First up is Run From Our Hearts, the song I finally had a breakthrough with yesterday. I now know how I should sing that song. We listen to the track once before starting, and I am absolutely amazed. I sound good! The voice holds everywhere, and yes I am making mistakes, but that’s OK. In a few recordings my voice has sounded a bit strained making it uncomfortable to listen to. But that’s not the case now. It sounds smooth. Melodic. Lovely even. I had never sung the song like this before. It’s nailed. Spot on, but I can still hear how at places I struggle with phrasing and lyrics. 

I’m ready to go again. We start up with the same song, and work on it for an hour or so. And we’re finally getting somewhere. It sounds decent. Phrasing and lyrics are improving, but most importantly, we’ve found the key and the voice I should sing it in. 


Finally finally finally.


We take a break, and feel wonderful about ourselves. This is finally getting somewhere. When we’re back at our next session, we decide to approach it by just going for any of our songs we think we can get. Mark wrote down a list with songs we could try that we kinda have in our repertoire now there are seven songs on that list. We go through all of these songs, some of them only once, some of them a couple of times. And they fit. I’m just able to sing them. It’s absolutely wonderful. Mark plays around with different keys, and I am able to do something I’ve never been able to before; everytime we decide to try a new key, I am able to go with it immediately and am spot on in tune with my vocals. I’ve always felt confused how to do this when keys have just been changed on me. But now, I just need to hear the new pitch of the first chord and I know exactly where to place myself. It’s like something just unlocked in me. 

By the time we finish this session, which clocks in at two and a half hours itself, we’ve been at it for more than five hours today, and we have almost seven songs ready. From not having had a single one just 24 hours ago that we felt was near. It’s enormous.

Day 33

Sunday 29 August


Mark’s up at 6:30am and working on various songs, setting up studio equipment, writing, stuff like that. But really, we’re both too tired for any real recording

Early evening and we’re just chilling in the studio. I’m reading and Mark’s chatting to people on FB. Just catching up with people, while also having one eye on who to maybe talk to to get something of a tour started. We’re thinking about Spain.

Then we have a eureka moment, which shoots adrenaline all over the room and wakes us both up. We’re alert now. Rather than think about a country and see who’s touring that, we have a moment of clarity and decide to see who’s touring, anywhere in the world, and see if we can get ourselves onto that.

We almost have everything sorted for that but decide to wait until we have a seven to nine song set and then really go for it. We now realise that we could end up anywhere in the world.

This wakes us up enough to start to think about recording to be able to have something to show people, but we both know energy levels like this could drop as quickly as they arrived and we could just get frustrated. We decide to leave it, relax for the evening and tackle it fresh in the morning.

Day 34

Monday 30 August

Six studio hours in the studio today as we try to get things recorded, and also try to write a few bits and pieces. 

Day 35

Tuesday August 31

We very much put the time in yesterday but really didn’t feel like we got anywhere. So we just take a time out today.

Day 41

Monday September 6

We’ve spent the past few days trying to record things and it’s been equal levels fun and frustrating. Not much we’re going to keep, but it’s all good experience and studio practice, not to mention good general music practice.

But after all that, today we feel a bit flat so we dial it down a little and don’t push ourselves too much. It’s a day for yoga, swimming pool and basic chilling.

Day 45

Friday September 10

For the first time we’re able to play through our whole first set of seven songs and we get onto that first thing in the morning, working through to early afternoon. Mostly these are songs from my back catalogue including Breakthrough, When I’m With You, Wide Blue Yonder and We Run From Our Hearts. But we do now have our first own original in there – All Kinds Of Wonderful. It’s a rough performance with some edges that need to be smoothed out, but we really feel we are almost there with something of a set in the 20 minute mark. Enough for a support slot should the opportunity arrive. We still have a little way to go before this whole thing is stage ready, but it’s a huge deal that we can stand here and play through 20 minutes of repertoire covering this many of our own songs.

There’s another huge deal today as we receive our new business cards and our very own Diary beer mats. Yep. We have beer mats now. Absolutely brilliant. 

Day 46

Saturday September 11

We’ve decided we’re going to London. We have to sell the car we bought to move here with and it has UK plates, so London it is. I call my friend Kristoff who, among other things, was a big fan of The Insiders, my bass/acoustic cover duo with Dan who played in Kristoff’s bar The White Hart and a few other bars in central London, most notably The Marquis just by Trafalgar Square and run by Kristoff’s friend Tommy. 

Kristoff suggests a place we could stay. A mutual friend of ours is now executive chef in a central London bar and also happens to be an ambitious and very talented songwriter, music producer and bar DJ. His name is Alex, I know him very well, he was also a big fan of The Insiders, and my bass playing in particular. So much so that I played sessions on his own tracks. We get onto Alex and he confirms that yes, we can stay in his place. Brilliant. Sorted. His place is on Upper Street, Islington, one of my favourite places in London.

We think about dates and agree we will go sometime around the 20th, with Maja then to go to Sweden on the 28th and me to return to Ireland the same time. 

We talk about where we are and agree the target is to have three tracks recorded and ready to go by the time we go to London. This will mean we will go there with everything ready for us to be able to present ourselves. We’re going in probably nine days time, maybe a little earlier. So between now and then, the focus is just to get songs ready and recorded. It still isn’t fully up and running, but Maja will finally be able to see and experience a little of my London. Of real London.

Day 49

Tuesday September 14

Full studio day. Start 10am, finish 6:30

Day 50

Wednesday September 15

Pretty much the same as yesterday. Full studio day in preparation for recording

Day 51

Thursday September 16


We’ve been at it for ages. Ages. And today, we are finally ready to start to record our first video demos. I’m feeling very tired and spend most of the morning in bed. When I finally manage to drag myself out from under the covers, it’s well after noon. Mark’s been on it the whole morning, organising the studio for the recording, but I felt like the best I could do was to rest. I take a shower and put on some clothes. For today’s recording I think I’ll go for neutral and smart. So, no makeup, and just something easy when it comes to clothing. 


The plan for today is to do one takes. Just us, song and guitar. Turn the camera on and go. The idea is that we just get stuff in the can today. A kind of safety net of recordings that just work. Then tomorrow, we’ll really go for it, confident in the knowledge that we at least have something useable to present ourselves with. Once we’ve got safeties in the can, we can just go for every take and if we blow it all, we’re still good. Maybe we’ll even get to that today.


Setting up, we now amplify both of our voices, since Mark has started doing backing vocals now. Using the voice in this way, with a microphone even though the songs aren’t that loud, means I’m able to sing almost in a whisper at times. This gives me more melodic control, and it just sounds so much better. It’s been a theme that’s been very present these last couple of weeks as I’ve been developing my own way of singing. I’m not a trained singer, I’ve not done anything like this ever before. Choir, well yeah, but nothing else. I’ve also been working on an online singing course but for now, I’m still really just doing it my way.

Yesterday I had a breakthrough regarding this. Usually when I sing songs like our song A Listing – our reworking of an old Drunken Monkees song that Mark wrote with Rick – it’s like my voice kind of breaks. I go for a pitch, and sing it powerfully, as I imagine it should sound, and my voice just breaks in the middle of it. It doesn’t feel very nice. It’s a bit painful and singing like that doesn’t seem sustainable. So I’ve known for a while now that my singing technique is lacking, and it’s been one of my priorities to figure out how to sing better. So yesterday, after a long day of rehearsing, I just sat at the table as Mark fingerpicked the guitar and gently, gently sang. That’s how it should be done. At least for now.


It doesn’t quite go as smoothly as we were hoping and it’s take after take as red light syndrome, or something, kicks in. If we were hoping for the safeties to come quick to get onto the real thing we were kidding ourselves. It takes a full day to get three songs just about right, even if the performances aren’t quite ready to break Youtube. A bit flat to be honest, but we have something of ourselves and our songs ready to go out there now. Breakthrough, Your Smile Is Going Round and A Listing. We can have another go to really nail this tomorrow. For now, we’re done and with London coming up the day after tomorrow, it’s time for us to go out and finally start meeting some of the locals round here. Yep. We’re finally going to the great Irish pub, starting with The Trap.

The Covid hangover is still here which means you have to sit at a table, even at the bar, where tables are set up with a perspex screen between the bar and customers. Walking into The Trap for the first time and we see it’s pretty decent sized and quite traditional looking. Stone floor, plenty of TV screens and a few different seating areas, although basically an open design. A semi square U-shape with a an area to the left of the door, something of a stage area to the right, the main bar in front, and then off to the left of that, another area again. We will learn later that there is quite a bit more to this place, but this is what we have for now. There’s a decent crowd in. Not packed, but enough to provide a bit of atmosphere. There’s also an available table at the bar with a couple of guys at the next table over by the wall. We take the free one, order our first Irish pints, and cheers to today’s recording. We’ve got at least this far. It does feel a bit of a milestone.

There’s quite a cool vibe in here and we hear the guys next to us talking music. After a while we turn and say hi to them and are welcomed by Seamus and Mick, the latter being from Clara but with a strong Manchester accent. As we learn that they’re strong music fans, so they learn that we are too, and that we take it a bit further than that 

As we continue talking, Mick says, can we hear any of your songs? Could you sing anything? Way back I told Maja this kind of thing could happen. That people in Irish bars would sometimes just sing. I’m not entirely sure she ever believed me, but now, in her first ever outing to an Irish bar she is actually being asked to sing. We confer a little and she somewhat reluctantly and shyly agrees to do Breakthrough. No guitar, so just Maja it is. She takes a deep breath, closes her eyes and begins. It’s a gentle song and as soon as she’s into the first few lines, the people around the bar start to go quiet. Someone even gets shushed as they attempt to keep talking. Maja has immediately got the attention of the entire place. But with her eyes closed, she doesn’t at all see what happens next. People start to leave their places and walk over to us, over to Maja. She’s now got six or seven people in something of a semi circle around her, with a few more people sitting around the place paying full attention. Total silence all around. She comes to the final chorus and I can just feel the weight of the audience. Maja’s first ever audience. Captured. She finishes and the final words tail off. She opens her eyes and looks round in surprise as the place erupts into applause and compliments. I look over at Mick, who made this happen, and he’s nodding in approval and all but winks at me in appreciation. Well, that’s one way to say hello to the neighbourhood.

Day 52

Friday 17 September 2021

Nope. No chance of any real takes. What we did yesterday is what we have. How does today disappear from us? It totally does. Between shopping, packing and organising the house, we somehow manage to not get a spare moment and don’t finish the last chore until around 11pm when we collapse in bed in exhaustion. OK. We return to London tomorrow. This could be emotional.

The London Sweden Ireland Diary, days one to 20

Day one

Saturday 18 September 2021 

We’re out the door by 6am and straight in the car. The route is Clara to Belfast for the 10:30am ferry to Liverpool. Arrive in Liverpool at 6:30pm, then drive through England to arrive in London whenever that happens, but scheduled for four hours.

On the ferry we find a lovely spot by a window near the front and immediately get ourselves sorted out with tea. Yep, we brought all the necessaries with us.

We have a few internet plans including uploading yesterday’s videos and maybe some Diary writing, but the ferry’s internet isn’t too clever so we have to just sit back and enjoy the sea view instead, and then the fantastic scenery as the docks of Liverpool slowly come into view. 

We make decent time coming to London until we hit the city then of course the traffic greatly slows us down. Then the memories come quicker and quicker for both of us as we go first through Archway and then Holloway. Then it gets really tricky as we hit the much more central area of Angel and have to find our way to the back of the pub through very unco-operative traffic. Trying to get your own parking space in London is incredibly difficult. For a visit, almost impossible. We’ve been told we’re able to park round the back of the pub for tonight, and will be OK tomorrow as it’s Sunday. But we’ll have to have it out by 8:30am Monday. Great. That’ll do. Especially as we’ve also managed to get a permanent place through a phone call to Per a few days ago. He told us there was free parking in the streets around where he lives in Turnpike Lane, quite far out in north London. We won’t see Peron this trip though as he’s away the entire time we’re here. 

After the heavy London traffic we arrive at the bar just after closing time which is perfect actually, as it means Alex has finished and he lets us in. The staff are also just settling down to after work drinks and we already happen to know some of them, including Tom and Molly. Molly we met last time we were here, and Tom used to work at Kristoff’s bar The White Hart, where I also worked a few help-out shifts. Tom also saw my duo The Insiders loads of times and we hung out a lot too. Other staff from The Marquis/White Hart axis have also found themselves here, in the way London bar staff do tend to spread around the place and find each other again and again. Get involved in London bars for long enough and you’ll know staff all over the city, as I do. Know the staff, and you have a short cut into an introduction to the bar’s social scene.

And here we are getting introduced to this one with a few of the trusted regulars staying behind for drinks as well. We’re introduced to them, and to Matteo the manager. We show everyone our beer mats and it’s fair to say they’re very impressed. Alex immediately says we should put a bunch of them up on the bar. So there they go, and with that we have our first presence in London. 

A few drinks down here, then the regulars leave and the remaining bar staff and myself and Maja go up to Alex’s apartment. By the time we make it to bed after this little after hours extra it’s gone 4am and we’ve been up for 22 hours.

Day two

Sunday September 19 2021

We’re up late. Of course we are. Out of the window of the front room of the apartment we’re looking down on a cool little sidestreet of Angel and we can’t believe we’re here, on our own in an apartment right in the centre of London. Leaving down the outside stairs, the city buildings of London almost loom over us with St Paul’s Cathedral almost dominating the scene. We really are bang in the middle of things here.

We’re not ready to go anywhere until two in the afternoon. I want to show Maja The Marquis and The White Hart and hopefully catch up with Tommy and Kristof respectively. Neither of them are around unfortunately, but we still manage Sunday roast in The Marquis.

Back to the apartment to rest up a little, then we take the car to Turnpike Lane where we find a free parking spot. Great. That’s that part taken care of. Then it’s time for The Blues Kitchen jam. Wow. It really is special walking back into this place, and with Maja this time for the first time she’s seeing the inside of it after walking past it so many times during lockdown.

It’s an amazingly nostalgic feeling to be walking back into here for the first time since March last year. There’s not a massive turnout of regulars, but I’m able to catch up with Freddy, Dre, Joe, and of course regular host Kez. And Mikey’s here; as with so many people new to The Blues Kitchen, he’s the person Maja’s most keen to meet so after saying a massive hi to Mikey myself, I introduce Maja to him and leave them to it.

Then, as I introduce Maja around to a few other people, and then inevitably to Kez, he happily tells me there aren’t many bass players in tonight. Yes, normally I would have been all over that, but instead, I reply now, ‘Could I please not play too much? I don’t want to leave Maja on her own too much.’ He looks at Maja, here for her first time, and says, ‘Of course. Absolutely.’ The one set I then get is with Rose McGowan, who goes and talks to Kez and requests me specifically. Yep. That works.

Normally after a Blues Kitchen there’d be a whole host of people heading to the next place, which would usually be The Elephant’s Head. But by the time it all finishes, there aren’t many people left around tonight. Maybe London still hasn’t yet hit full swing post Corona. But we’re still out so back into Camden it is and I introduce Maja to the late night club Joes. Swinging, rocking music and a great vibe. Welcome back Camden.

When it’s time for home, my automatic pilot sees me heading for the bus stop for Kentish Town. We’re almost at the stop when Maja says, aren’t we supposed to be on the other side of the road and going the other way into London? Oh yes. Oops. 

Day three

Monday September 20, 2021

We’ve been hearing in the media about how bars just can’t get staff anymore. A lot of foreigners work in bars and a lot of them went back home when the Covid lockdowns started; in my house, Camilla, Spanish, went home, and Maria, Portuguese, did the same. Neither returned. Camilla worked in a shop, Maria worked in a bar. So my own anecdotal experience reflects this. The same happened in The Lord Palmerston with a few people being slow to return. And yes, Brexit is a factor. Now, as we meet bar staff and talk to them, we’re really seeing the effects as we’re constantly hearing that people cannot get days off and are working themselves into stress and exhaustion. I think back now to the Costa Blanca when I went into every bar in Javea and shook out nothing. Well now the bars are the ones doing the looking and they are shaking out nothing. The shoe really has gone to the other foot.

Round here, Sunday night means Blues Kitchen. Monday night means Ain’t Nothin But… just off Regent Street in central central London. It’s just so cool to be able to take Maja here, especially as it’s one of the first places we got a picture together not long after we first met at Heathrow Airport and when we were walking through here to get to Kentish Town. I made a very minor detour to bring us down Kingly Street so that she could see this iconic venue that I’d written so much about from so many jams, including my own very first jam in London.

Now she’s finally seeing the inside of it for herself and, with the place as crowded as I always remember, we’re delighted to somehow be able to get a seat at a central table right near the front of the stage. And just like last night it’s great to see a few old friends including house drummer Felipe who I played a gig with once upon a time. It is a pretty cool kudos point when Felipe finishes his set and comes straight over to us to say hello. And again, a set of two songs for me tonight, then we sit back and enjoy the rest of a great show. And Barry the bar manager, after saying hi, says it’s fine to put our beer mats about the place. So now The Diaries get an airing in this most central London of venues. Thankyou very much Barry.

Day four

Tuesday September 21

We’re thinking of getting some recording done while we’re here so it’s a chilled rehearsal day at Alex’s before heading off out to meet my old friend Amy for dinner out by Trafalgar Square. 

Rehearsal day today at Alex’s then out tonight for dinner and a London walk with Amy. And, while walking through Trafalgar Square, we bump into Kristoff who we’ll be meeting tomorrow.

Day five

Wednesday September 22

The bar we’re staying above has a full on venue above it, which is below the apartment. This holds about 100 people and has a really cool stage. Alex has told us we could use this to record a video if we want. Brilliant. We make a plan to do this on Sunday.

Back to Traf Square territory tonight for a night out at The Marquis. A whole host of regular faces including Shane who Maja knows from that party a little while ago. It’s just a basic central London hangout as we happily mingle about the place. 

Day six

Thursday September 23

It’s Alex’s birthday tomorrow and we’ve found the perfect present for him. An actual bass. Second hand, a brand we know well and perfectly affordable. It’s in East Dulwich, quite a trek away from here on a couple of buses. We had quite a late night last night, but I’ve made a plan to to and pick that bass up early enough this morning. I’m out and back by about 11:30am and the bass gets stored in a discrete place. 

With us staying at Alex’s, I’ve made it clear that he has me for free if he wants me for any recording on his album material. I’ve already played on I think five songs of this for which he paid a good session rate. He asks now if I wouldn’t mind having a go at a song or two of his. No problem. Let’s have a look. We go into the studio and run through a few songs. I’ve never heard them before but there’s no need to really learn them properly. Instead we go through section by section. I learn that bunch of 16 bars or whatever, get a good feel, red light, record. Next section. This is how we get through it, and two hours later he has two tracks with bright and shiny new basslines. It’s 1:30pm. We’ve arranged to go and meet Fred Pala today. We have some lunch and leave around 2pm, arriving in Ealing around 4. Yes, it really is another trek. Wow. Out to East Dulwich to buy a bass, back to Angel to record a session for two tracks from scratch as I’d never heard them before, and now we’re in Ealing by 4pm. If we’d had this schedule planned and written out, it would have seemed impossible.

It’s wonderful to see Fred, who I shared so many great moments with just hanging out, rehearsing, and then playing all those shows all around London and a touch beyond at times. We hang out now in a hotel bar on the River Thames near his place and all is good. Evening descends and we continue into the night and all is good. We have a guitar and he’d love to hear a song or two from us. Great. We play Our mid tempo song Smile Is Going Round to a luke warm reception. Fair enough. You don’t have to like it. But then we go for breakthrough and Maja is really concentrating and giving a lovely, heartfelt performance when Fred just stands up and walks away and goes chatting to some random people he’s just seen about 20 metres away. We carry on for a little while but then I slowly stop, Maja opens her eyes and suddenly sees we’re alone. Not good. Not cool at all. We look at each other in disbelief, tinged with some level of disgust and disillusionment. I’m frankly embarrassed that a seemingly great friend of mine could do something so ignorant and disrespectful. We barely even have to say anything to each other. We just pack up and walk away without even looking back. Fred, I’d really like to say it was great to see you again, but…

Day seven

Friday September 24

Me and Alex try and get a recording session done but I’m really not as much on the ball as I was yesterday. Sometimes it flows through your fingers and sometimes it’s treacle and just not there. This is the second kind. No worries. We leave it and think maybe we’ll have another go later on. The main issue here is a part of a song, a kind of finale which Alex isn’t too sure what he wants to do with and I’m being absolutely no help. It could be a big bass part to really lift it, but if that is the case, I’m totally unable to deliver right now. It’s not that I couldn’t play something, I just can’t get a vision of what it could be, and anything I play, however decently sounding and technically well executed just doesn’t have any inspiration and neither of us is feeling it. I just can’t get my head around what would work here. To be fair, he’s been a bit stuck with how this part of the song could sound and was hoping I might be able to break the ice with it, but no. It just isn’t happening.

After all of yesterday’s running around and activity, me and Maja take it easy in the apartment until around 5:30 when we go for a wander out and about, including a perfectly leisurely chill in the nearby park with grapes which just seems right.

There’s a vague plan for the birthday tonight, involving starting sometime around 6/7. We get back there around 6:30 and no-has turned up yet, so it’s back to the apartment. When we arrive Alex is having a tinker in his studio and has been looking at what I recorded today. He’s decided a lot of it is really quite good and works well with the track, but he still has nothing for the end, the bit we were struggling with. Now he says he has an idea that it could be a real just let it go lead bass part finale for the last 16 bars or so. He just mentions this casually, but when he does a light goes off in me. I know exactly what to do. I tell him I can do that now. He says we should just relax and do the party, but I really want to have a go and I insist. He finds this amusing and a bit ridiculous because it’s come round to time to leave and we really should be down there in ten minutes or so. I’m all over this and tell him just to let me have a go. Shaking his head in a little incredulity he says, OK, let’s try. I’ve never tried soloing over this section before and I get myself mentally warmed up, thinking of the modes and chords that are required, as well as the feel. I launch myself into two takes. They’re actually OK, but I do kinda trip up over myself a little in the experimenting. We have to go. We really have to go. Come on Alex. Just one more try. I have this. OK, go for it. I do. And damn I nail it so hard. I finish, look up a little breathlessly and Alex is standing there just stunned. Maja’s been allowed to sit on in this session as well and she just looks like, ‘Oh wow, what just happened?’ Alex launches into hugging me and says some sweary words like, you had no right to play like that you… I just smile back and say, ‘Happy birthday.’ With that he declares the track done. What perfect timing and what a great way to see ourselves off. A jubilant threesome, we all go downstairs to join the party.

By 11:30, everything is still going strong. The bar is closed and we all help a little with the clearing up to allow the barstaff to get everything finished just that little bit earlier so they can all join us upstairs in Alex’s apartment. This will ultimately see 15 to 20 people all crammed into the place. Once upstairs, there’s a little present giving session and Alex is suitably bashful about getting so much attention. Then, just when he thinks it’s all over, we announce that we have something. We reach into the pile of clothes and bags, all strategically placed against the wall and pull up a large black case and place it on the table. A reaction of disbelief sweeps the room as we say, ‘Happy birthday Alex. This is for you.’ He’s like, ‘Oh no. You didn’t. It can’t be.’ Well, open it and find out. There’s suddenly a wonderful silent tension as he slowly unlocks the clasps and gently swings the top open. And then, there it is. A beautiful black perfect condition Cort bass. Yes, it really is quite a moment and I don’t think it’s just Alex who gets emotional.

As soon as present giving has somewhat calmed down, attention turns to us. Among a lot of my old friends tonight, such as Kristoff and Jess, we have met a lot of new people and they have been intrigued about our story and marvelled over our beer mats, with one girl saying, ‘You keep putting these around and the right person will see them and will call you. It’s a great, great marketing idea.’ Well, brilliant. But now they want to see if there is anything behind the great marketing idea as everyone now wants to hear what it is we can actually bring to the table. Me and Maja are standing alone in the kitchen, just off the main room and mentally preparing ourselves for this. We’re about to play our music live for the first time and we’re kind of checking each other to see if we’re ready. This is about to happen. This will be the first time anything we’ve done has made contact with reality to see if it can truly stand up like we believe and hope it can. And friendly or not, we’re doing it in front of a central London audience. We say we have one song for them. Everybody sits back. We stand at one end of the room, wait for them to more or less settle, then we hit it and launch into I Like You (Better When You’re Naked) for the first time.

We finish and there’s no applause. No-one saying, ‘Oh yeah, that’s a really nice song.’ No. None of the polite friend stuff people might do when someone they know, however vaguely, plays a new song. There’s none of that at all. Instead the room just explodes in screams and cheers like their soccer team has just scored the most important goal of the season. 

This. Does. Not. Happen.

I’ve been around a lot of songwriting events and someone playing a brand new song to mostly strangers, to get this reaction. Does not happen. Even the politiest, most supportest of friends would not cheer and whoop like this. Does not happen. Or at the very least I’ve never seen anyone play a brand new song in a singer songwriter context and get this type of reaction. But then, if it was possible, things go to even crazier levels. For the next half an hour or so, it seems all anyone can talk about is this song we’ve just played. To me, to Maja. Even to each other. We keep hearing people talking about our song. Right down to thoughts and breakdowns of the lyrics, taking the subject matter to existential areas we’d never even thought of. Way over an hour later, every now and then we hear someone humming it. This is our first contact with a London audience. With any audience. And no matter what we could have imagined, or hoped, even my biggest hopes of how our music could be received, nothing I could have thought or dreamt of could have even come close to this.

Day eight

Saturday September 25

Yes last night was a late big one, but we don’t think it’s just that. The non-stopness really catches up with us today. Hits us like a wall in fact. And we have somewhat ambitious plans for tonight. For a start I’m heading back to the Palmerston. We’re going to meet Chris there for dinner. Then after that we have plans to hang out with some of my old workmates there. Duran, Joe and Eraldo and maybe others if they can make it. This could take us all round Camden and beyond if we really get stuck into it. But halfway through dinner with Chris we realise we’ve just piled on too much. It’s so cool to see him again and we have a good laugh about the disastrous car journey to Ireland which definitely was not funny at the time. Neither for him or us. Iza’s in today and it’s great to see her too but she’s too busy to be too sociable. Moni’s kind of around, but again also busy. Hey, it’s Saturday night. 

By the time we’re heading off to meet our guys after saying goodbye to Chris we’re just about hanging on and I’m starting to feel guilty about this. I know they’ve set themselves up for a big night and I know there’s no way we’re able for it. I was hoping to meet up in Aces And Eights, just by Tufnel Park station, then head into Camden. But by the time Maja and I arrive we barely have it in ourselves to speak. We summon up enough energy to hang out with Duran, Joe, Eraldo and a few other guys, but we don’t even make it to a second hour. I’ve not felt this socially tired for a long long time, Maja’s totally feeling it too, and we have to very regretfully bale before the night is even close to getting going. Back to Alex’s and we join him in watching a movie. Ten minutes in and I’m asleep on the sofa. A big fat miss of a night and not at all what my old work friends were thinking off. Really sorry guys. 

Day nine

Sunday September 26

After last night’s failure we have success today as we head out early and achieve what we came to London to achieve. The car gets sold. The wonderful seven seater Mazda that we bought in London and moved to Ireland with has now returned to London where it will stay. We’re back at Alex’s by 10:30am and have vague plans to rehearse and record, but oh, that just isn’t happening. As we go through today, things get cancelled and chucked off our list. We were hoping to do The Blues Kitchen tonight and have Maja play. But for that she needed to practice a little during the week and maybe get a few pointers from me and that just hasn’t happened. We also are just so tired and way past trying to do anything really. We’ve been meaning to go the comedy club in the bar we’re staying in, but it’s clear we’re not up for that either. Instead, we settle for having a late Sunday roast in the bar here and stay here and hang out with the off duty and coming off duty bar staff instead. 

Day ten

Monday September 27

Last London day today and it’s Monday and we’re still kind of in recovery mode so we really don’t try to do much. A little look and hang out in a bar or two around the wonderful Angel area we’re in the middle of, then back to the bar and a wonderful hang out with Alex and the bar staff. Then up to his apartment for a few more drinks and fun, and where he has one more surprise. He wants us to have one of his really good studio microphones. This will become the microphone we use for our podcasts. The fantastically chilled atmosphere up here with some of the guys we’ve been hanging out with during the week is a great way to end our London trip. 

Day 11

Tuesday September 28

Maja’s off to Sweden today and I head off to the airport with her. It’s a very emotional goodbye as she heads into the terminal. Tonight, and then tomorrow, will be our first time apart since the day we met – February 19, just over seven months ago. Now I’ll be heading back to Ireland to be on my own in our house for the first time.

Day 20

Thursday October 7

This week has been me recovering from London, catching up on Diary writing and getting to know the studio a little bit more and practicing with some guitar tracks to be a bit more ready for recording when Maja’s Sweden visit is over. The main thing here is that we have plans to hopefully get a strong demo recording of I Like You (Better When You’re Naked).

And today Maja says her trip will end on Monday. Her flight will leave at 8:15 Sweden time, so 7:15 Mark time. My train from Clara to Dublin leaves at 7:14am. Which means that her plane will be taking off the same time as my train leaves.

So we plan to meet in Dublin, maybe have a few early pints in Templebar, and then a gentle journey home. It’s fair to say we don’t plan to be very productive that day.

The Second Ireland Diary, days one to 23

The Second Ireland Diary

Day one

Monday, October 11


I’m up very early – 4:30am swedish time. Taxi 5am, airport 6am, flight 8:15. Mark meets me at Dublin airport, and I surprise him by appearing behind what appears to be a touring polish football team. We find a hostel near Heuston train station where we’re able to leave my bags, then get a bus back into town.

Once there we settle on a bar called The Norseman where we settle in for a couple of beers and also go for their whiskey taster tray. Then we head off to find another bar, this time for lunch and we end up at Fitzgerald’s. There we’re looked after by Katie, a wonderful waitress on her first day of work. A few more pints here accompanied by a fantastic meal of Steak and Guinness pie with mash. Then we’re on our way. The 5:30pm train gets us back to Clara by 6:30. I’m exhausted by the time we get back. Pretty much straight to bed.

Day two

Tuesday, October 12, 2021


I’m excited. It feels wonderful to be back home and I have had a very restful time at my parents house. I just feel so positive, but before me and Mark get real productive there’s a couple of things we need to do. Unpack, take a lovely walk for me to rediscover our little town, then we catch up with the rest of the world by binge watching Squid Game and drinking beer.


I’m back home!

Ireland, Day three

Wednesday, October 13


Yeah, I’m happy to be back here. In Ireland. The country of rain and beer. When I finally wake up, I feel like I want to take on the world. So of course, before doing anything, we need to finish up watching Squid Game. I can’t leave that hanging, so we make a cup of tea and watch the last two episodes. Amazing. And now, I just feel like I’m done with watching things for a while. I want to get started. So in the studio I get going while Mark starts to cook us some pasta bolognese. I get on rearranging the studio, setting up the workstation and so on. Right now my priority is that I want to get a little bit better at producing, so I need to put in some hours at the computer. 


Out at The Trap and I head off for a toilet break. On the way I bump into Angela and Jimmy, the managers. They’re doing renovations out back. They take me there to show me what’s going on as they revamp what will be the function room. There, we get speaking about music. This starts to look like it could go on for some time so I excuse myself, go and get Maja, and bring her back and introduce her. Now we’re told that Clara is a very musical town and we’ve really chosen very well in coming here. Crazy. They have the Clara band and Clara musicals, loads of other acts. And we’re told we should come tomorrow and meet Alan who runs their sound and other bits and pieces. 


Only Mark could go to the toilet and come back with something like this. Only Mark. 

Day four

Thursday October 14


Ross, my London agent calls. He’s wondering if I can start up quizzes like we were talking about pre lockdown. I have to stop him and tell him I don’t actually live in London anymore. I fill him in on a little of our story and he absolutely loves it. And he confirms my theory about lockdown; which was that a lot of musicians would have left London and, had I still been there, I would have been able to clean up. Well, things like that are actually happening for some people all fair play to them. 


We go to try to meet Alan at The Trap at 2 pm. We manage to say hello, shake hands and give our card but he’s deep in conversation with the bosses and we soon realise they’re not going to finish talking or checking things anytime soon. If anything we’re a bit in the way. So we back off a little bit and take a little walk to the back of the pub. We start to see it really is an enormous place as we head out beyond the function room and into the back garden. Just huge. Right at the end of it, possibly 60 to 70 metres from where this thing start, is a large raised area. We discover this is the stage area for summertime shows. We’ve seen the whole place now and the serious talk down there is still continuing so we take ourselves off for a walk around the countryside surrounding the town.

Day six

Saturday October 16


‘Mark! I’m buying the car now!’ I inform him after I’ve managed to crawl out of bed and come to the computer in the studio downstairs. I’m not especially alert. I’ve been quite tired since yesterday. It’s like everything is just a tad bit too slow today. But we need to buy another car after recently selling the last one in London, and I don’t want to put that off any longer. I’ve been here now for almost a week, and we still haven’t got to it. Living here, we pretty much need a car for any travel and for any kind of decent shopping. Anything, pretty much. The car I want to buy is a Ford Galaxy 2010 model for 2450 euro. It’s in Roscommon. I call up the seller, Tony, and he tells me it’s available and that I can take the train there during the day. I look up train times, and find a train leaving in one and a half hours. Perfect. I can go there, buy the car, and we can drive home. Everything done during the day. I tell Mark who takes a shower and starts getting ready. Then to look up car insurance in Ireland. I start with the first site, and I get a quote. 3700 euro for a year. 3700! And that’s 25% off with an online signup offer. So it’s already reduced by 25 per cent. No way this is true, this is just too much! I pay like 50 euro a month for my Swedish car. This is an infuriatingly high price. How can it be this expensive just because I’m not irish? I’m still a European citizen, and I’ve had my licence for nine years by now. But no. Here, I’m treated like a new driver because I’m new to Ireland. I’ve driven all around the globe. It’s not like I’m a beginner at all, but apparently none of that matters here. I continue searching for other options, but most companies won’t even give me a quote. And I found another one for 4500 euro. That’s even worse than my first option.

This is ridiculous. It now means that this car isn’t happening.

I have to call Tony back. “Hello, how’re you doing?” “Grand, how bout you?” and all of that. “I’m not able to come today. I can’t find any decent car insurance.” That’s that. End of story. We can’t buy an Irish car. It’s just too expensive. Balls.

Well, I’m still going to try to call insurance companies next week to see if I can get something affordable, because this is just over the top. Completely. Surely there has to be some option.

So here we are. Not having a car in the Irish countryside for the foreseeable future. What a fun life. We can’t do anything here, and if we go to any town by train, last trains back to Clara from anywhere tend to leave sometime early evening with only occasional later ones. This is really not an optimal situation. We can’t really live here without a car. 

How are we going to manage now?

Both me and Mark are frustrated beyond. This was not the turn we expected. What are we going to do now? Our little town is nice and so, but we can barely buy decent food here, not at a good price at least. Doing most of your shopping from the local shops is not a sustainable way of being for two musicians looking to play music live for a living. It’s not fitting. We need something else. But what?

Day seven

Sunday October 17 

I wake with what sounds like a crazy idea and I tell Mark so. ‘You know, I still haven’t sold my Swedish car,’ I tell him with a sly look on my face. ‘Which means we do actually have a car,’ ‘OK,’ he says cautiously. I’m thinking like this. First off we can use my Swedish car in Europe for six months. That will put off the problem for quite a while. We have a car that we can use for six months. It’s just that it is currently at my parents place in Sweden. But I have to go there soon anyway for hand surgery. So I can go there, have the surgery, heal, and drive the car to somewhere in Europe where Mark can meet me. We could meet in Copenhagen, or Gdansk, which is a place I can get a ferry to from Sweden. Or we could even meet in Stockholm. Or consider a few places even further south. Like Hamburg, Berlin, Amsterdam or even Prague. Then we could just go and find places to play. We’ll find our hunting grounds somewhere. It’s going to be an adventure.

I can’t believe it where it looks like these thoughts are taking us. To our first European tour. Yes. Not buying a car would well be the beginning of our first European tour.

Mark is getting all excited about this. He is great at talking to people, and I’m sure that if we’re prepared and just there, we’ll find some opportunities. We’ll just turn up, check in at the cheapest hostel or at a friend’s house if we have any friends around where we end up, and look around for places to play. That’s our game plan right now.


Yep. That’s does indeed appear to be our game plan right now. We’ve literally, right here, as we’ve just woken up, begun preparing for our first European tour. Just so that you’re fully up to speed, we’re not yet even ready to play live. Considering what we’re considering, we should probably get on it.

We do this with a two hour rehearsal in which Maja really finds her power voice. We get through four songs and make real significant progress. 

Into the evening and we go out and discover Nigel’s Bar – this place is only open at the weekends so tonight is the first time we make it in there. We’re warmly welcomed to Clara by Michael, the bar manager, then we have a look around and the sheer size of the place takes us totally by surprise. It’s one of those places that just goes on and on. Out back is a nightclub and games area, with another bar upstairs overlooking the whole thing. This could be a cool place in any full size city. It’s not something I expected to find in our new five pub town. Now we’ve discovered the games room, Maja challenges me to darts. Bad idea. For me that is. Because it’s now that she finds out just how pathetic I am at this game. She’s hardly smashing in the 180s either, but what follows is quite possibly a level of humiliation the Romans would have used for public punishment.

What happens next is just out there, unbelievable ridiculous. I’ve been writing quite a lot of Diary catchup today, and tomorrow I’m going to reach the day of Maja’s ankle break when she stepped off a kerb on the way home from the Palmerston and it just went. Well, we get home from Nigel’s  Bar and Maja decides she wants fish and chips from town. So we head back out to the actual fish and chip place, which we’ve never been to before. When we enter, we’re surprised to discover it’s a cash only business. They might just have to rethink that with the only cash point in town having closed just last week. We have no cash, and can’t get any so we leave empty handed to head over to the only similar take out place in town. As we leave the door, there’s a step of around six to seven inches. Kind of like a big kerb. Yep. Something in me miscalculates the distance to the ground and I go down hard, feeling pain in my ankle, in exactly the same place where Maja broke hers – although she did it on both sides of the ankle whereas I have it on just the one, but even so. Come on people. Hours before I’m due to write about Maja’s drama, which meant we had to postpone the whole Irish adventure, I go and do exactly the same thing. But again, not quite the same thing. It’s OK, really. No breaks in sight, just a bit of a sprain. But it was a bit of a worry for more than a second or two there when it happened, and the horrified sound Maja made as she saw me go down just like she had. Oh it must have been scary. I was well aware of that because I immediately called out from the ground, ‘It’s OK. Nothing’s broken. Just hurts. Give me a minute.’ 

Day eight

Monday October 18

The day I write about Maja’s ankle break, I’m wearing the exact same moonboot she got from the hospital and which we brought with us to Ireland. Just in case. Well, here we are at that just in case. Talk about symmetry. Damn.

Now onto the next ridiculousness, as The Diaries, an act yet to even play a half hour gig, an act not yet even ready to play a gig, discusses – in full earnest I may add – their first European tour. We’re alternating between the idea of starting in Hamburg or Poland, but the more we think about it, the more Hamburg comes into focus. Northern Germany, working our way down through western Europe. 

But we can’t start until Maja gets back from Sweden which will be possibly be December 1. But the other thing is that she’s leaving for that Sweden visit on November 6 so we also don’t have much time to get ourselves sorted and ready to play a decent length of set of seven or eight songs. Then, with Maja gone for the whole rest of the month, we’ll somehow have to keep in touch with what we hope to have achieved by then so that we can hit the ground, if not running, at least not falling over, when we arrive for our first European shows, wherever they might happen to be.

Day ten

Wednesday October 20


We’ve tried comping vocals for I Like You (Better When You’re Naked), which means recording multiple takes and then putting the best bits together to make one coherent vocal. For one reason or another it just didn’t work. Not helped by me making a silly mistake after an hour or so of comping and managing to essentially delete all the work I’d done and then having no idea where I was with the thing. 

So today we decide to try another way, which is to do the song section by section, singing each line until it’s right, saying yes, we have it, and then moving onto the next part. This means we won’t have to return to compare and edit. When we have a section, we have it and that’s that. This is the theory at least. This doesn’t work too well either. We eventually get through it all, but again are not satisfied with the results. What we’ve ended up with is a track with a total lack of spontaneity. It just isn’t a performance. After yesterday, I just can’t take any more of staring at the screen. My eyes have just gone. I take a complete break while Maja works alone, trying different takes and ways of singing it.

After a while she declares that she has something we can work with that just needs a few edits.

Day 11

Thursday October 21

After really thinking we’d made a breakthrough yesterday, and after all the efforts of the past few days, we delete everything and start again. But so much has gone into this that we feel really confident with it now. I guess we thought we were recording when what we were really doing was practicing recording. This is borne out when we get back to it today; within three hours of starting, we have a full track ready to go. This really is a breakthrough, both in terms of learning to work together in the studio, and in Maja’s vocals. I think this week has been her biggest leap forward in improvement since this whole thing began.

Day 12

Friday October 22


With something real finally in the bag, there’s a new calmness about things now. Mark has another session of double tracking guitar, playing against my new vocals, and then has a go at some backing vocals. All that’s left are a few minor touch ups and then I go in for mixing. With this I work with Alex who’s been super kind enough to offer his help on all things technical. I send him what I have and he replies with thoughts on how things could be improved and I incorporate those thoughts and so on.


With all of this, I think Maja is really going to get into this production thing. Our pool of skills is definitely building.

Day 13

Saturday October 23

Maybe for today, Sunday and Monday, look through the Alex Whatsapp thread and get into studio bits a little

Maja’s first live band experience at The Trap.

Day 14

Sunday October 24

Day 15

Monday October 25

Maja has the idea of renting an apartment in Hamburg or Berlin and going there for December to play around those areas. Then we’ll take a break for Christmas which might just see us go and visit my family in Devon. During that time we’ll leave the car in Germany. In this plan, New Year will be spent back in Berlin while we decide where to go next. Maybe something like Holland, Belgium, northern France, and then western Germany from there. It’s a plan. 

Once we’ve discussed all this we get stuck into a rehearsal which ends up going on for three hours. We start in the kitchen reworking an old song of mine called Can You Be. After hitting that for a while we head into the studio to have a really solid go at everything we have as we aim to get the set nailed. Tomorrow sees us continuing to just go through the set as we work on more and more details and transitions within songs. Not to mention just trying to make ourselves sound like a single unit that can play together.

Day 17

Wednesday October 27


Day 18

Thursday October 28

Today it just isn’t happening. We try to rehearse. We really do. But it just sounds flat, uninspired, and it’s full of all kinds of mistakes that we just shouldn’t be making. It would be a waste of time to try to iron all this out. Most of it we already do have ironed out, we just aren’t proving it today. No. This is all coming from tiredness. We really have been hitting it hard lately, and rather than that manifesting itself in good, solid playing, exactly the opposite is happening. Frustrated and tired, we decide to start the weekend early and recharge.

Day 20

Saturday October 30

We’ve had a thought about maybe doing a gig before we set up so we can have at least on show under our belts before tackling Europe. If nothing else it would get that first one out of the way as we see just how much of our image of ourselves and our songs can survive contact with reality. And if things do go well, we could maybe justifiably go into Europe with something resembling confidence in what we have, beyond our own stubborn belief.

So we go into The Trap in the afternoon and see Angela. She’s happy to give us a gig this Friday, November 5, the day before Maja sets off. By definition, the very last day we have available before Europe. Brilliant. Job done.

Day 21

Sunday October 31

We really have no desire to see what happens on Hallowe’en here, especially as we live in a very conspicuous house right on a crossroads. With that, Maja’s had the idea of us going off on a day trip to Tullamore, probably taking in the night as well. Actually, that would kind of be the point. Before heading off, we have a run through of the set. For the first time we get through the whole thing in one go, complete with backing vocals. It all sounds very lively, and it’s encouraging that we’ve now got through the whole thing, which means the week ahead of us can be spent on consolidation. It’s also perfect that we hit this milestone before our first real day trip out to our nearby larger town of Tullamore. As a comparison, Clara has a population of around 3,500 while Tullamore is around 14,500.

We make the 2:30pm train.

Once in Tullamore we start to get a very different feel to the place than we ever have before. Up to now it’s been a functional town for us. Come and do the shopping, which mostly happens in the bigger stores slightly out of town anyway. But we have been to the shopping centre here, which hosts a Dunnes supermarket. And with that there’s been the occasional walk around the place, maybe popping into a cafe or two at times. But now we’re checking out bars and restaurants. We wander around and get our bearings for a while, also seeing if we can discover any live music. The most obvious place we see is a huge bar called Fergies, but they tell us their music starts at 10pm. Our last train out of here is 9:30, so no good.

Before hitting our first bar for a drink we need lunch, which is really breakfast. A little more of a walk and we find a wonderful Indian restaurant, just a tiny bit off the beaten track. We’ll be back here again, we decide. Now it’s time for the wonderfully guilty pleasure of daytime beers.

Our first bar is The Brewery Tap where we watch documentaries of old Offaly hurling glories. We get talking to John, the landlord and he knows Clara very well. He tells us there’ll be a party in The Mill later on, the bar behind our house. This will be a celebration for yet another victorious Clara sporting team. We’re really getting  a sense that this town is full of talented musicians and sports stars. I think this is the fourth victory we’ve heard of in the past month or so. 

Out of here and we head to the top of the town where we find Eugene Kellys, a wonderfully large bar where we have one drink in the main bar, then discover their spectacular lounge bar out back. What a contrast of atmospheres. The front bar is all bright and full of local joviality. The back bar is intriguingly dark and the cool music vibe is much more upfront, slightly louder than the other bar. It really has the feel of the cool chill place in town. We have to stay here for another. Afterall, this is like finding a whole new bar anyway.

Out of here and it’s approaching 7. We can maybe take in one more place before last train time. People have been telling us about Digans. That’s straight down the hill from here. On the way we walk past a musician unloading his car and call out good luck to him. He thanks us and we carry on our way to Digans. Oh dear. We don’t get this vibe at all. Very nightclubby and already a bit uncomfortably full and rowdy. No thanks. But we just saw that musician down the road a little way back there. Let’s check him out.

The bar is The Goalpost and we walk in and see our man setting up in front of a speaker someway down the middle of the place. Kind of at the back of the front part of the bar and just in front of a few steps leading down to the back area. We go and say hello and he introduces himself as Pat and invites us to sit down with him while he sets up. We chat a little and we give him our card. ‘Oh, fellow musicians. Very good,’ he says. He then introduces us to his friend, Colm. Cool. We’re suddenly a little crowd.

After about 20 minutes, Pat says he’s about to start, so we settle down at a table nearby and are soon bouncing along to his up tempo pop and rock cover set with a good amount of traditional Irish thrown in. A half hour or so of this and we wait for Pat to finish a song before standing, thanking him for the show and saying our goodbyes to him and Colm. ‘Where are you off to?’ he asks? Last train. It’s half past nine and it’s a 20-30 minute walk from here to the station. ‘Where are you heading?’ Clara. ‘We’ll have none of that,’ he declares. ‘I’m driving that way after. I’ll give you a lift. Stay and have a proper drink.’ Well, who can refuse? So we do, and get totally into the growing raucous atmosphere of the place, all the while hanging out with Colm a little more. And singing along when we know the songs. This day really has warmed up. Now we’re going deep into the evening as well. 

When his set finishes, all four of us pile into his car, me and Maja in the back and Colm up front. They ask what kind of stuff we plan to play if and when we’re out and about and we tell them we’re songwriters so will be planning on that, although we tell them now that we’ll be heading to Berlin and then wider Europe soon to see how we can get on. ‘You’ll be having to play a few covers if you want to play around here,’ Pat says, totally matter of factly, totally as a statement of obvious fact. No no, we say. We’re going to play all our own songs. ‘Oh, you can’t be doing that now,’ says Pat. No-one will be interested, If it’s not Wagon Wheel or something similar, they don’t want to know. Colm chimes in now. Originals, forget it he says. The general thought coming off both of them now is that it simply can’t be done. Colm turns round now to face us. All serious, he says, ‘You have to throw a few covers into your set. You just have to. I’m telling you now.’ If you didn’t know he was in fact offering friendly advice and from a totally well meaning place, you would think he was giving a warning. ‘What you guys are planning, you can’t do it,’ he continues. ‘You have to play covers.’ We hold our ground. No. We’re doing this. The atmosphere is in danger of descending a little in here.

‘It’s nursery rhymes for adults,’ Pat calls out. ‘That’s all they want. Songs they know and that’s the end of it. I’ve got my own stuff too as it happens, but it just doesn’t work with the kind of audiences you’re talking about.’ We really are being told here. Pleaded at almost. Like, ‘Guys, please don’t do this to yourselves.’ They are totally telling us for our own sakes. As I said, their thoughts are totally coming from a good, well meaning place and, for all the hard sounding words, no-one’s falling out here.

We decide to give Pat the last word on this subject. He then says that he and Colm are playing in The Trap on Wednesday with another friend or two of theirs. Oh wow. Our own local and we tell them we’re playing there on Friday. ‘Why don’t you guys come along on Wednesday,’ Colm suggests now, again nudging the atmosphere to more friendly territory. Maybe you could get up and do a song or two with us. Yep absolutely. Sounds absolutely brilliant and another continuation of our fantastic little daytrip to Tullamore.

Day 22

Monday November 1

We’re up relatively early and surprisingly very fresh. The main priority now, apart from rehearsal, is to think about what we want to do between now and arriving in Berlin.

I need to have a working studio set up here so that me and Maja can maybe send tracks to each other. One of those projects will be me recording backing guitar tracks for the songs so that she can have something rehearse with on her own.

And we have to decide what to take and maybe see what we might have to buy when we get there. This includes thinking about what Maja has in Sweden which she can bring in the car. But really, it looks like we’ll have to buy quite a few things when we get there, including a new guitar, at least one speaker, and a mixing desk. Of course we have a guitar here but it’s only acoustic meaning it has to be mic’d up. Not ideal, even for now, but there’s no point buying a guitar here just for one gig. For The trap on Friday we’ll mic up the guitar, then have a whole new semi acoustic one by the time we start in Berlin.

And of course, up front and personal on that to-do list is me researching venues and promoters and emailing and calling them. Generally trying to get us gigs to actually play when we get there.

Day 23

Tuesday November 2

After rehearsal we really get down to trying to settle touring plans. We decide to take in five or six cities. The plan will be to arrive in one, play in and around the place and get known around there as much as we can, then move onto the next one. That three to four week thing is also fluid and could shorten or lengthen depending on what was happening in any given place. For the first destination, we settle on Berlin. I’ll fly there at the beginning of December, and Maja will drive down from Stockholm, probably getting a ferry on the way, maybe to Poland. 

It’s looking something like this:

Berlin – with a Devon excursion





Then possibly, possibly London. We’re not totally convinced about Madrid – too far out of the way for a start – and Hamburg could yet make it into the mix. 

But of course, who really knows? We’re open to anything else happening in between that could take us anywhere else. But with this, we now have a solid plan to talk about and aim at.

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