This is a collection of reactions from our fans.

Amazing performance, I’ve never seen anything like it

These guys are really ballsy

When are you guys coming back?

I can’t believe you guys made me sweat from listening to music

Are these really all your own songs?

Play Naked one more time!

ACTual quotes FROm almost every gig

What a superb track , punk reinvented, raw , driving rhythm of the acoustic guitar, super lyrics and backed up by a great production. Well done to you both, I love it


This ”movie script”, for that is what it surely must become, is captivating guys, we love it .

What an experience you two are going through, you really couldn’t make it up .

I don’t believe in fate but, I do believe in making life what you want it to be and you guys are sure as hell driving towards your own destiny .

Stewart – Comment On the DIARIES

What a belter of a song

Darren MAHER – Comment on the diaries facebook

We’ll see you next at Wembley stadium!

connor – the host after performance at zum crocodile berlin

Riveting guys. I’m always eagerly waiting for the next page.

Stewart – Comment On the DIARIES

I’m totally captivated with all of this, here’s wishing you all the success in the world .

Stewart – Comment On the DIARIES

There’s a series of Netflix episodes, right here.


Wembley is not out of reach!


Just splendid and thanks for sharing this exciting time of your lives with us!


Hi Mark and Maja, I’m totally hooked on the new Diaries, can’t wait to read what happens next. 

Andrew McMahon aka The Cookie Monster – SCOTTS BASS LESSONS – PINNED THREAD

Cor blimey, now THAT’S a story!

Leigh Westbrook – FACEBOOK

You have me sucked into the story, brother!   I am hoping for nothing but happiness and success for you both.


It’s wonderful to see two people who have discovered that they can show each other kindness and acceptance. 🙂


Such a great story building up here .. full of fun but also very homely and together . 💕

Kevin Salt – facebook

A great read. Well done to both of you for both the write up and the performance. Here’s to sustaining the momentum.

Kevin Salt – facebook

Very good. Of course I know the story but enjoyed the read nonetheless! 


it’s a very good read despite already hearing about it.


Started reading straight off the mail notification!

Sibylline Perséphone – FACEBOOK

Oh non! You did it again? Guess I have to hop on these new diaries wagon and catch up until this point to see what incredibly entertaining way of hurting yourself you’ve come up with this time…

Sibylline Perséphone – FACEBOOK

From Saturday April 17, 2021


During the day I tell one of our regulars I’m quitting the bar job. He naturally asks for the why and I tell him some of our story. As I get deeper and deeper into it, he collapses more and more in laughter at the continuing absurdity, not least the fact that right now this very moment, my girlfriend, who I met online and who came from Sweden to stay in lockdown London seeking temporary respite when her world fell apart, is lying in our bed, right above the room I used to share with my former girlfriend, who is still living there by the way, and there as we speak. It takes him a while to grasp the fact that we are all actually living in the same house. And that I’m about to move to Ireland with this girl who I met less than two months ago and with whom I’ve already moved house twice, the second one back to where we started as we fled the crazy naked communal, musical living situation we’d walked into which just happened to come with an offer of a free apartment which never fully materialised. That’s all before you consider the fact that me and Maja became an item on the way from the airport to my house during what was supposed to be a friendly visit, and were talking about having kids together less than a week later, shortly after, deciding to get married and tour the world playing songs we haven’t written yet with Maja having never played a single live show in her life. We were planning on leaving for Ireland next week to get started, but of course a few days ago she broke her ankle walking back from the bar.

This guy is a head cameraman who works on top Hollywood productions. As I’m talking, he stops me and says, ‘You do realise that if you pitched this whole thing as a movie idea it would be rejected as being too implausible?’ I nod. I know. ‘But you’re telling me all this actually happened?’ Yep. He shakes his head in disbelief and acceptance. ‘If it’s a true story, that’s totally different,’ he says. ‘What I’m really reminded of is Catch Me If You Can, a story you could never get away with apart from the fact that it’s all true.’ This is a Steven Spielberg movie starring Matt Damon. Then my friend says, ‘You also realise that there’s too much here for a movie? It would have to be a TV series.’ Took the words right out of my mouth. That’s exactly where we think this is ultimately all going. We very much agree with him on the implausibility factor as well.


I remember when we walked down the streets of Camden, joyfully giggling and shouting at times: “We need to fire our script writer, this is all too crazy!” Just too many things that have been happening lately that it stopped making sense ages ago. One enormous development after the next, and I, for the life of me, would never have been able to foresee what would happen next. When Mark comes home and tells me about his conversation today, I feel oddly validated. Yes, it’s not only me. This really is a bit over the top.

This is what we do

We believe society wants and needs new music that comes from the heart

However, most hits are now written by using algorithms

We don't have a record deal yet, but then, most record companies keep most of the money anyway and then find ways to take the rest

Streaming pays next to nothing

Bars generally don't pay original acts, but we understand and have no problem with that

Which is exactly why we have the hat

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